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The Food Of Hell From Indonesia

Famous as one of the best tropical countries, Indonesia provides tons of uniqueness and excitement. Its nature, culture, and art always bring millions of tourist each year. However, this time we are going to talk about one thing, Indonesia’s cuisine, in particular Sambal.
Sambal or sambel is infamous among tourist as the food of hell for its undeniable ability to make the consumer produces tears and sweat when eating. Produced using chili as its main ingredient, sambal is indeed tasted extremely spicy.
Sambal is made by grinding ‘cabai’ or chili, along with several complements such as onion, cherry,  tomato, ‘terasi’, sugar, and salt. The ingredients are grinded using traditional tool made usually from wood or plastic. The texture is smooth with a vibrant color of green and red, depending on which chili you use.
Infamous among tourists for its spiciness, many tourists avoid it. However, some of them are challenged and try to eat it. Those who dare to try usually will get stomach ache or turn very red and sweaty in the face. Though super spicy, locals eat it in almost daily basis as their main meal.

1.Analyze the text for its identification and general description in your blog! Highlight blue
for the identification part, and green for general description part.
2.Do you think all of the information in the text is true and correct? If not, find any incorrect information bout the topic in the text! Write down below on what you think is wrong and give your correction!

1. Sambal is made by grinding ‘cabai’ or chili, along with several complements such as onion, cherry,  tomato, terasi, sugar, and salt.
I think Sambal or Sambel didn't need cherry and if you want change cherry with a "Ikan Teri."

2. Sambal or sambel is infamous among tourist as the food of hell for its undeniable ability to make the consumer produces tears and sweat when eating
Sambel infamous among tourist i think nope because we can find sambal anywhere in Indonesia traditional restaurant and also in modern restaurant, sambel infamous among tourist because he/she didn't try it and he/she not offered sambel there.

3. Develop the text by adding extra information. You can search in Google as source. Highlight the information that you add in the text using a light red color.

Famous as one of the best tropical countries, Indonesia provides tons of uniqueness and excitement. Its nature, culture, and art always bring millions of tourist each year. However, this time we are going to talk about one thing, Indonesia’s cuisine, in particular Sambal.
Sambal or sambel is infamous among tourist as the food of hell for its undeniable ability to make the consumer produces tears and sweat when eating. Produced using chili as its main ingredient, sambal is indeed tasted extremely spicy.
Sambal is made by grinding ‘cabai’ or chili, along with several complements such as onion, cherry,  tomato, ‘terasi’, sugar, and salt. The ingredients are grinded using traditional tool made usually from wood or plastic. The texture is smooth with a vibrant color of green and red, depending on which chili you use.
Infamous among tourists for its spiciness, many tourists avoid it. However, some of them are challenged and try to eat it. Those who dare to try usually will get stomach ache or turn very red and sweaty in the face. Though super spicy, locals eat it in almost daily basis as their main meal.
Sambal have secondary ingredients such as shrimp paste , fish sauce , garlic , ginger , shallot , scallion , palm , sugar , lime juice , and rice vinegar or other vinegars. 
Various recipes of sambals usually are served as hot and spicy condiments for dishes, such as lalab (raw vegetables), ikan bakar (grilled fish), ikan goreng (fried fish), ayam goreng (fried chicken), ayam penyet (smashed chicken), iga penyet (ribs) and various soto soup.


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