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Its all about me

All about me

Hello! My name is Adam Bagus Wirawan. I am student at 3 Senior High School. I like playing game and sleep.

I was born in Jakarta at 28th Agust 2002. I have 2 siblings 1 sister and 1 brother, my sister name is Chantika but i call she Cika and my brother name is Rafi. First time i join 3 Senior High School i'm join Group 9 and i mate some new friends and 2 seniors, my first friend in 3 Senior High School is Ariq. He is a good friend he can make we smile everyday, in the next day we want make prototype together, in the middle of our working process i make some problem in my prototype i write my Group with GUGU 9 i should write the name is GUGUS 9 but i forget with S at least i make all my friends laughting, that's how i introduce my self to my friend and got closser to my friend and all my friend call me Bw because in 43 Junior High School i has been called Bw and now my friend call me Bw again, Bw mean is Bagus Wirawan.

I think my group will being the class but school make a class with random student in many group first i join IPS class but i move to MIPA and i join MIPA 3 i see my group friend Marcho and Safina but we call her Inez, i like this class and i enjoy in this class, i want join JEPRET i think i will join OSIS and i want be a good student and next year i want to be the best student, now i join Qurban crew and i got division publication

In 3 senior high school i will change my life style i want to be a good student and smart student not like before in 43 Junior High School.



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